Challenge #8: In your own space, celebrate a personal win from the past year: it can be a list of fanworks you're especially proud of, a gift of your time to the community, a quality or skill you cultivated in yourself, something you generally feel went well.My team tied for first over at the Merlin Kinkalot month-long challenge! I wrote 2 shyan
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Very excited about the Teen Wolf movie!! It seems like the Teen Wolf Discords I follow are not excited :/ But I had a blast watching season 6 and I'll be glad for a chance to see most of my favs on screen again
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Isaac meta! Written for @fffc Fandom Battle week 14. Also on AO3.
“In this process of identity creation, there is an attempt to strike a balance between the dynamic interplay of conformity and individuality - identified as a core aspect of fashion.” (Source) Isaac’s outfit choices mirror his identity transformation, and I argue he goes through 3
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Written for the @fffc Fandom Battle Week 13, this meta discussion is not an attempt to paint one canon ship as better than the other. I just explore the similarities and differences in an attempt to understand Stiles, Lydia, and Malia better.
Challenge: FFFC 10 year anniversary battle, week 13 Fandom: Teen Wolf Medium: Five Headers Size: 4 of them: 1913x1076, 1 of them: 1916x1076 Summary: Season 3b headers, featuring Allison, Isaac, 1940s Kira, and Scott.
What's a new fandom that you've fallen into since the last June Something/in the last year?
The Expanse! And Schitt's Creek, but I'm not done watching the series yet. And I loved The English Game, although I have hardly seen any activity for that fandom.
Who is the first character that you fell
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